Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Fabien Hermenier, Vincent Kherbache, Huynh Tu Dang.

Btrplace (http://btrp.inria.fr ) is an open source virtual machine (VM) placement algorithm for datacenters. BtrPlace has been designed to be extensible. It can be customized by plugins from third party developers to address new SLAs or optimization constraints. Its extensibility is possible thanks to a composable core reconfiguration algorithm implemented using Constraint Programming. BtrPlace is currently bundled with a catalog of more than 20 constraints to address performance, fault tolerance, isolation, infrastructure management or energy efficiency concerns. It is currently used inside the FSN project OpenCloudWare (http://opencloudware.org/ ) and the European project DC4Cities (http://dc4cities.eu/ ).

This year, the catalog of constraints has been augmented according to the needs expressed inside OpenCloudWare. It as also been upgraded to a support for continuous constraints [11] , a safer restriction mode to ensure the constraints can be satisfied at any moment, even during a reconfiguration process. A significant effort has also been made to make BtrPlace more usable and visible thanks to frequent releases, software documentation, tutorials, and live demo.